Episode 22: Liam Byrnes

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In this episode we have a conversation with Liam Byrnes about fruitfulness versus productivity and the long slow process of being formed into the likeness of Jesus.

Liam and Rachel Byrnes joined All Nations and did CPx in 2010 in Cape Town. They've lived there ever since working in the township of Masiphumelele encouraging and mentoring young people and local leaders. In the past few years, alongside a local team, help lead Isithembiso (http://childrenofpromiseafrica.com) which is a ministry of All Nations. They also serve the Centre for Christian Formation and Discipleship (http://christianformation.org) which is a part of YWAM's University of the Nations, teaching, training, mentoring, and coaching other mission and ministry leaders. Liam writes a fortnightly newsletter called the Lectio Letter (http://lectioletter.com) with an article on discipleship, book suggestions, and other miscellanies. You can find out more about Liam and Rachel at http://liamandrachel.com/about

Liam's Recommendations:
Faith Formation in a Secular Age by Andrew Root
The Divine Embrace by Robert Webber
The Apostles' Creed: A Guide to the Ancient Catechism by Ben Myers


Episode 23: Lisa Rodriguez-Watson


Episode 21: Bryan Sims