In this episode, Nijay Gupta and I go back to the first century. In the Roman-Greco culture there were gods everywhere, blood and smoke from their sacrifices filled the air, icons of gods were on every corner. And here come the Christians – believers in the unseen, in the supremacy of Jesus, in the finished sacrifice of Jesus, meeting in homes instead of temples and the culture around them thought they were weird. They were dangerous. They were compelling. We talk about their different beliefs and practices. Join us as we discover how the first Christians were weird, dangerous and compelling.

Nijay K. Gupta serves as professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary, is the co-host of the Slow Theology podcast, is on the translation committee for the New Living Translation, and has written numerous books including Tell Her Story, Paul and the Language of Faith, and a commentary of Galatians for The Story of God Bible Commentary.

Nijay's Book:
Strange Religion


Episode 162: Joy Clarkson


Episode 160: Emily P. Freeman