Episode 01: Noah Kaye

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Noah Kaye is a native of the Washington DC area and is happily married to Tricia. He holds a Bachelors Pastoral Ministry and a Masters in Christian Leadership. Noah serves as a Pastor for 10 years and then spent 7 years living and serving in Africa (South Africa and Tanzania) mobilizing and coaching church leaders. Noah has travelled to 40 nations and coached many leaders in church life, missions, discipleship and leadership. Noah and Tricia have three lively kids. The Kaye’s now live in the Annapolis, MD area where Noah serves as the Founder and Executive Director of Integer Network, an international coaching network that promotes authenticity and wholeness through coaching. Noah is a certified leadership coach, a highly relational leader and a gifted communicator. You can learn more about Integer Network at www.integernetwork.com or tune into his “What If” podcast.


Episode 02: Jessie Cruickshank