Episode 167: Irwyn Ince

In this episode, Irwyn Ince and I talk about hope in the context of race, oppression, community, and lament. He inspires us to persevere in hope through difficult times. We explore the roots of hope in Christ despite past rejections, detangling oppressive actions from the gospel message, and the importance of fixing one's gaze on Jesus and enduring through suffering by looking to his example. So join us as we actively push against narratives of division by demonstrating a third way of Jesus and regularly check where we are placing our hope.

Irwyn Ince is the coordinator of Mission to North America, part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Formerly, he was a pastor at Grace DC Presbyterian Church. He is also the author of The Beautiful Community. In 2018, Ince was unanimously elected as the forty-sixth Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) General Assembly moderator—the first African American to hold the position.

Ince is a graduate of City College of New York, Reformed Theological Seminary, and holds a DMin from Covenant Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Kim, have been married for thirty-two years and have four children and two grandchildren.

Irwyn's Book:
Hope Ain't a Hustle

Irwyn's Recommendation:
King: A Life


Episode 168: Craig Detweiler


Episode 166: Wai Jia Tam